Xtvt copy paste dr blog nadzeem
1. What is the best nickname that u ever had?
- Adik... Ntah la.. nama tu banyak pulak menaikkan nama aku... N berikut adalah nama penah org panggil aku: Mie, Emi, Remy, Zaimi, Ru, Along)
2. Do you think suicide is the best way?
- hell no
3. Rate your social life from scale 1 to 10.
- 5... just in average i guess
4. Are you in love with someone at the moment?
-yup.. suka benget sama dia sih...
5. Are you missing someone at the moment?
- really... Rindu sesgt sama dia
6. Would you die for the one you love?
-err... no kot... hahaha
7. Do you think love hurts?
- yes xpesially bila memikirkan kejauhan ini dan cemburu antara satu sama lain
8. Whats the best thing about love at first sight?
- selalunya hanya suka pada luaran coz sight just see the outer look not inner look
9. Whats the worst thing about being in love?
- jealous...
10. Will you wait for someone you love?
- yup... still wait untuk dia la nie... kalu x... dh lama aku cari lain.
11. What song best describes your life at this moment?
- Bila terasa rindu... dafi
12. Do you wanna get married?
- not until my age is 35... tp i think i prefer single forever
13. Have you talked to the person you love on the phone?
- yup... t kena tunggu dia call.. dia x bg aku call dia...
14. Do you keep memories or try to forget them?
- some yup n some i hv to forget....
15. Is love always on your side or the opposite way?
- the opposite site kot... byk tul halangan
16. Do you have a gay/lesbian/bisexual friend?
- yes... xde salahnya kawan dengan diaorg... tmbh aku rasa aku lg selesa talk to them than other straight guy yang x penah nak jaga hati langsung...
17. Are you sick of love?
- no lah... love can't never be sick
18. Are you sick of questions on love?
- blum lagi.... hahaha
19. What are you going to do tomorrow?
- hmmm... maybe
20. What do u want so bad right now?
- go to KLIA secepat mungkin... hahaha
21. Do you think money is everything?
- yup... dunia materialistik skrg... semua benda pakai duit
22. What song are you listening right now?
- Ku Mahu... Siti Nurhaliza... i mean Dato' Siti Nurhaliza
23. Whats the song that u last downloaded ?
- Ku Mahu....
24 : How much do you love music?
- music symbolize my emotion
25. Have u written ur own song?
- not the melody but the lyric... talking about lyric... script aku wat utk choral speaking penah buat group aku jadi johan... bangga gila... BI lak tu... hahaha
26. What's the movie that you last watched?
- Iron Ladies... (terlambat tgk... kwn aku la yg download nie... lawak gak)
27. Do you believe in forever?
- nope... everything hv to hv an end
28. What's the last words you want to say to your loved one?
- aku mungkin bukan yang terbaik tapi akan ku pastikan segala yang ku usahakan adalah yang terbaik buat mu
Adik... cinta sama dia...
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
PaDa KeTiKa
9:22 PM
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