Q n A
Monday, January 19, 2009
Are you waiting for something?
*waiting for 6 month bonus.. (can i)
What were you doing at 11 last night?
*working dude.... Work as kluangman... That wgy have to work at this time
Did you cry today?
*nope.. No reason to cry... Life must go on
Do you hate the last person you had a conversation with?
*Ayu... (next time don't interupt me when i'm not finish)
Have you ever thought about converting your religion?
: hmmm.... NO!!!!
Can you sleep in jeans?
: sure.... If too sleepy
What cant you wait for?
: end of the month... Salary...
When was the last time you told someone you loved them and meant it?
: last month... God... Miss that moment... Waaa.......
Are you good at giving advice?
: yup.. Always give advise to other but then no really use that advice to myslef
Are you good at giving directions?
: nope.. Just follow the signboard... But alway miss it... As result.. When you driving in KL.. Its mean more money... And more time to u turn
When is the last time you told someone you're okay when you're not?
: always...
What is your favourite shake?
: coconut shake
What movie are you waiting for?
: transformers, the fast the furios, harry porter... Hmm... Can't wait for summer to come
Do you want to live with your gf/bf?
: used to... (ops.. Hehehe)
What song do you listen to feel happy?
: no idea... Just shuffle my winamp... Play all kind of song
Garfield or mickey mouse?
: garfield... Damn cute cat
In a week, how many times you go online?
: everyday.... Even while working
What are you listening to right now?
: to the sound of aircond.. Hahahaha
Complete this sentence: THE WORLD NEEDS
: me... Hahahah
What was the last thing you ate?
: sotong
Something happened today?
: just normal day
Have you kissed someone on the lips in the past week?
: hehehe.. Yup...
Where is your sister/brother right now?
:: school.. I guess
Who was the last person you talked to in person?
: my mum
Do you have friends?
: of course la...
In the past week, have you felt sad?
: always.. But keep it to myslef
What were you doing at 9 am this morning?
: sleep dude... I'm woking all night.. Then morning is my sleep time
Is your room clean?
: of course... As always
In the next 4 months, what are you looking forward to the most?
: still alive
Did you have a good day yesterday?
: just normal
In the past week have you gotten sick?
: nope
PaDa KeTiKa
11:35 PM
1 iMPiaN
Labels: Tanya-Jawab
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Entry Kali ini adalah untuk meberi penghargaan kapada penaja-penaja perabot rumah ku:
Abang - Most of the perabot n electrical item
Mama - Peti sejuk n Dapur.
And Me - err... tilam...
huhuhu.. x kuar belanja sanagt rupenye aku.
berdikari konon aku nie..
padahal suma orang belikan...
nak buat mcm mana..
orang dah nak bagi..
kita amik jelah...
and again.. adios
Mari Merepek
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Bosan jugak ye tinggal rumah sorang-sorang nie ye..
tapi aku puas.at least i'm on my own..
apa aku nak buat pun takde orang nak amik kisah.
apa aku nak masak pun x payah nak pikir-pikir orang lain.
tapi masalah dia suma aku kena buat sendiri.
nak kena cuci rumah sendiri.nak kena bayar bil-bil sendiri.
nak kena beli perabot sendiri.gaji aku bkn byk pun...
hmm nak kena mintak biasiswa mak aku nie (bukan pinjaman.. sebab comfirm aku tak bayar balik punye)
boleh la ye....
kan projek banyak..
mesti masyuk banyak jugak...
(macam la mak aku baca blog aku nie)
teruk la aku nie...
bkn ank tolong business bapak aku...
nak tolong pelingkup lagi ada la...
diaorg suruh aku belajar bisnes suh take over company aku belajar it..
pastu terus lari Kl...
anak derhaka rupenye aku nie...
huhuhuhunak wat guane...
business bukan dalam darah aku...
bagi dekat adik aku je la...
diaorg lagi deserve....
diaorg pun belajar business....
so better company in their hand not me...
aku.. err amik keuntungan skit la...
kot2 ada syer skit2 kan... hehehe
till then adios again
Happy birthday to me
Friday, January 09, 2009
9 January 1986.
adalah hari mak aku lahirkan anak nya yang hensem lagi berkaliber... hehehe...
hmm... dh tua setahun aku ari nie..
23 tahun dah rupenye mak aku lahirkan aku...
(tetiba emosi)
10q kepada suma yang dh wish kat aku..
- abang
- fathiha @ lalink
- anas
- lee rahim
- kawan2 facebook
- adik2 cs220 aku
- dh semua yang bakal wish nanti...
tapi xde sambutan kot..
keje sih...
tp xtau la weekend nie...
abg macam bagi hint something je...
we'll see....
Tahun Baru, Rumah Baru
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Bulan ini secara rasminya aku berpindah ke Seri Kembangan secara keseluruhan...
sebelum nie pindah barang je and kadang-kadang je duk kat seri kembangan sebab masa tu rumah tengah renovate lagi.
sekarang suma dah setel.
cuma rumah je la macam tongkang pecah..
barang-barang pun dalam kotak lagi.
entah bila la aku nak susun.
hmm... barang2 baru beli pun x sampai lagi..
sebab tak habis bayar lagi...
kesempitan duit lak tiba2..
simpan dulu ye encik CAVENCI...
hmm... lepas suma dh setel next target is pasang Streamyx (ke nak tunggu WiMAX)
lepas dh pasang streamyx pasang Astro lak...
lepas pasang astro pasang bini lak...hahahah...
lambat lak calon aku nie nak hbs study....
kalu x leh kawin cepat2 skit...heheheh....
gmbr rumah nantilah ye.
bila aku dh jumpa kabel hanset nie...
baru leh transfer
till then... Chow...